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OPEC+ ministers will decide whether to add additional oil to the market
04.11.21 - 15:43

The ministers of the OPEC+ countries will hold their next monthly meeting to decide whether to supply the market with additional oil or go within the framework of the decision, Interfax reports.

Turkmenistan plans to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the long term
04.11.21 - 15:48

In the medium term, Turkmenistan plans to achieve zero growth in greenhouse gas emissions, and in the long term – to annually reduce their level. This was stated by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, speaking at the 26th session of the conference of the parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) in Glasgow, the website of the foreign ministry of our country reports.

Oil continues to fall in price in anticipation of the OPEC+ meeting, Brent is trading at about $84 per barrel
04.11.21 - 15:42

Oil prices of benchmark brands continue to fall, which will take place on Thursday, Interfax reports, citing MarketWatch.

President of Egypt invited President of Turkmenistan to visit Cairo
04.11.21 - 15:45

The President of Egypt Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi invited the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to visit Cairo to discuss ways to develop cooperation between the two countries.

At the Glasgow summit, world leaders agree to cut methane emissions by 30% by 2030
04.11.21 - 15:46

At the COP26 environmental summit on Tuesday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and US President Joe Biden presented a joint initiative to reduce methane emissions, Interfax reported.

In ten months, more than 1.5 million tons of oil from Turkmenistan were transported through the Transneft pipelines
03.11.21 - 15:30

In January-October, 1.53 million tons of oil from Turkmenistan was transported through the Transneft oil pipeline system in the Russian Federation. Of these, 80.9 thousand tons of «black gold» were transported in October alone. Interfax reports.

Turkmenistan and Afghanistan are ready to expand effective partnership and implement joint projects
03.11.21 - 15:32

The results of the Turkmen-Afghan negotiations held in Kabul by the delegation of Turkmenistan are aimed at expanding effective partnership in priority areas. This was announced at a press conference by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov and acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan Amir Khan Muttaki, the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reports.

Delegation of Turkmenistan held talks in Kabul with the leadership of Afghanistan
02.11.21 - 14:41

The delegation of Turkmenistan, headed by Vice-Chairman, Foreign Minister of the country Rashid Meredov, held talks on Saturday with the leadership of Afghanistan, the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reports.

Ministry of Defense of Afghanistan guarantees safety during the construction of the TAPI gas pipeline and other projects in the country
02.11.21 - 14:42

On Sunday, as part of a working visit to Kabul, Turkmen Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov held a number of meetings with high-ranking officials of Afghanistan, as a result of which security guarantees were obtained for the implementation of infrastructure projects in the neighboring country, the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reports.

President of Turkmenistan heard a report on the preparation of gas industry enterprises for the heating season
31.10.21 - 14:46

During the government meeting, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov chaired on Thursday using the digital system, Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Shakhym Abdrakhmanov reported on preparations for the winter season and ensuring uninterrupted and reliable supply of domestic consumers with natural gas.

New contract was signed with «Yug-Neftegaz Private Limited» aimed at increasing oil production in Turkmenistan
31.10.21 - 14:48

Within the framework of the XXVI International Conference «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan-2021», held on October 27-28 in Ashgabat, the State Corporation «Turkmengeology» and the company «Yug-Neftegaz Private Limited» (Singapore) signed a contract for 3D and 2D studies in the eastern part oil and gas field Goturdepe and in the area of ​​South Burun in the west of Turkmenistan.

Forum «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan – 2021» confirmed the huge potential of mutually beneficial partnership
31.10.21 - 19:28

The second day of the XXVI International Conference «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan – 2021» was devoted to a discussion of innovations in the field of financing investment projects in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea, as well as the role of natural gas in the transition to a low-carbon future.

Teleconference between the participants of «OGT-2021» and «Expo Dubai 2020» was held
31.10.21 - 19:29

Today, on the second day of the XXVI International Conference «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan -2021», a teleconference was held with the participants of the International Exhibition «Expo Dubai 2020». Its participants discussed one of the most pressing topics of our time – the transition to a low-carbon future through the use of natural gas and alternative energy sources.

SC «Turkmengas» and «Haldor Topsoe» signed a Memorandum of cooperation in the production of ammonia and methanol
28.10.21 - 16:31

The State concern «Turkmengas» and the Danish company «Haldor Topsoe» agreed to continue cooperation in the monetization of natural gas, this time with the aim of further processing it into ammonia and methanol. The parties signed the corresponding Memorandum of Understanding yesterday within the framework of the XXVI International Conference «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan 2021», which is being held in Ashgabat.

Iran is committed to pay off debt to Turkmenistan for supplied gas, - Iranian oil minister
28.10.21 - 16:32

Iranian Oil Minister Javad Ovji announced Iran's firm determination to pay off its gas debt to Turkmenistan, Iranian Shana news agency reported. Ovji told this to reporters after meeting with a Turkmen delegation led by Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov, who are on a working visit to Tehran.