The Turkmengaz State Concern announces an international tender: 20.03.2024

18:47 21.03.2024 3229

Dear interested persons!

The Turkmengaz State Concern announces an international tender for the selection of a contractor 

For the supply and turnkey installation of material and technical means to ensure the security of the Turkmen part of the TAPI gas pipeline, at the Islim-cheshme outpost section of the State Border Service of Turkmenistan 

(Lot – “Instrumentation and automation of perimeter security”). 

To participate in the tender, you must submit to the Office for the Implementation of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) Gas Pipeline Project of the Turkmengaz State Concern at the address: 189, Oguzhan Street, Ashgabat the following: 

            - a written application about the desire to participate in the tender, indicating the full name of the participant, its legal status, country of registration, bank details and information on the company’s activities (main activities, experience in similar projects, etc.); 

            - to receive a package of tender documents after paying the invoice for participation in the tender in the amount of 1,725 (one thousand seven hundred and twenty-five) US dollars or the equivalent in manats (for residents), including VAT. 

Interested parties are invited first to familiarize themselves with the Law of Turkmenistan “On tenders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state needs”. 

Applications from companies, registered or having bank accounts in offshore zones, are not accepted. 

Tender proposals will be accepted after the confirmation of payment for participation in the tender. 

Tender proposals are accepted within 30 (thirty) working days from the date of the official publication of the announcement in the Neutral Turkmenistan Newspaper.  

Tender proposals will be accepted no later than noon local time on the last working day for receiving documents. Proposals received after the specified deadline will not be accepted. 

The necessary information can be downloaded at:

Phone for enquiries: + (993 12) 95-76-93 phone/fax

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