State Concern “Turkmengaz” announces an open tender: 15.05.2024 - 28.06.2024

18:21 15.05.2024 2580

Dear interested persons!

State Concern “Turkmengaz”

from May 15, 2024 until June 28, 2024

announces an open

Tender No T/GAZ-018

for the purchase of material and technical resources for the needs of the SC “Turkmengaz”:

Lot No 2 - “General plant equipment”;

Lot No 2 - “Technological equipment”;

Lot No 5 - “Auxiliary products”;

Lot No 6 - “Others”.

At the following address: city of Ashgabat 1939, Archabil Shayoli 56, 13th floor of the UKPO SC “Turkmengaz” we propose you to:

- submit a written application (from companies registered or with bank accounts in offshore zones, applications are not accepted) about the desire to participate in the tender indicating the full name of the participant, his legal status, country of registration and details;

-           familiarize yourself with the Law of Turkmenistan “On tenders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state needs”, with an extract from the “Tender Rules” and a list of documents required to participate in the tender.

-           get the specification of lots, technical requirements and basic terms of the contract.

Receive an invoice for payment of funds in the amount of 500 (five hundred) US dollars or the equivalent in manats (excluding VAT and bank costs) for one lot for participation in the tender on a gratuitous basis;

All necessary information can be downloaded from the following address: or obtained from the above address.

e-mail address:

Contacts for inquiries: 40- 37-45 (fax), 40-37-39, 40-37-40, 40-37-41, 40-37-42

Quotations are accepted until 12 noon June28, 2024 local time.

Quotations received later than the above deadline will not be accepted. The account for the transfer of funds indicates while submitting a written application.

One sealed envelope with a full tender offer (quotation), certified with a mastic seal, must be delivered to the above address from the date of publication of the announcement and are accepted for consideration after receipt of funds to the account. The tender envelope must include an electronic version of the form, the main terms of the contract (in the “Word” format) and the technical and economic specification (in the “Excel” format).

e-mail address:


SC “Turkmengaz” site address on the Internet:


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