The agenda of the International Scientific Conference in Ashgabat includes cooperation in the field of environmental protection and a green future

22:16 05.06.2024 1637

 Today, June 5, the International Scientific Conference: “Energy prospects, new technologies and environmental aspects of the development of hydrocarbon fields” (TESC 2024) began its work at the Archadil hotel in the capital.

 The purpose of the two-day conference, which is held on World Environment Day, is to strengthen international cooperation between Turkmen national oil and gas companies and international organizations, academic communities and financial institutions focused on environmental protection and a green future.

 The current forum is attended by 270 delegates from 33 countries, which is twice as much as last year, which indicates a growing interest in environmental issues. Among the conference delegates are heads of national and international oil and gas companies, senior management of energy organizations, as well as large international institutes and research centers.

 The key topics of the conference, which is held under the motto Reliable, Sustainable, Green Energy, are: new technologies and energy transition: a look into the future;  reduction of methane and carbon dioxide emissions from hydrocarbon production and monetization;  new opportunities for environmental financing and initiatives to promote clean energy.

 The conference will also include a session “Increasing energy security and sustainability of energy systems through energy integration and trade” together with the United Nations. In addition, there will be a session “Utilization of carbon dioxide and sulfur in the extraction of hydrocarbon resources, organized jointly with the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)”.

As noted during the conference, our country pays special attention to environmental issues and, in particular, to reducing emissions of methane and associated gas during the development of oil and gas fields. President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, speaking at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, announced Turkmenistan’s accession to the Global Methane Commitment and further continuation of cooperation with international organizations and partner states within the framework of existing projects and programs aimed at the practical implementation of the conditions arising from the Global Methane Commitment.

 It was also emphasized that Turkmenistan plans to achieve zero growth in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, and in the long term to significantly reduce emissions annually, both at the expense of its own financial resources and with technical and financial support from international organizations. Our country advocates a consolidated approach to the problems of this plan, taking concrete steps for its part to protect the environment and striving to contribute to the development of international cooperation in an area so vital for all mankind.  It is also important that Ashgabat took the initiative to open a Regional Center for Climate Technologies in Central Asia.

 Presentations and panel sessions at the event will provide participants with information on the latest initiatives to reduce methane and associated gas emissions when developing Turkmenistan's vast energy resources.

 Participation in the conference and business meetings on the sidelines of the event with the leadership of the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan will increase delegates' understanding of potential investment opportunities in the field of renewable energy and diversification of the energy sector towards cleaner energy.

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