Delegates of the International Scientific Conference TESC-2024 discussed the prospects for interaction in the field of ecology and sustainable development

12:04 07.06.2024 961

Today, June 6, at the Arçabil Hotel in the capital, delegates of the International Scientific Conference “Energy Prospects, New Technologies and Environmental Aspects of Hydrocarbon Field Development” (TESC-2024), organized by the State Concerns “Turkmengas”, “Turkmennebit” and the State Corporation “Turkmengeology".

During a panel discussion organized jointly with the UN, forum delegates discussed a wide range of issues related to increasing energy security and sustainability of energy systems through energy integration and trade.

As noted, Turkmenistan offers enormous potential for using its energy resources in the interests of all, voicing a vision of sustainable goals and opportunities to achieve them. Support and stimulation of strategic initiatives in the energy sector are the basis for the implementation of large energy projects in the future.

During the thematic session “Utilization of carbon dioxide and sulfur in the extraction of hydrocarbon resources,” which was organized jointly with the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), international experts shared their experience with Turkmen colleagues and outlined ways to deepen cooperation in the development of hydrocarbon fields with high acid gas content and reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

As noted, due to the increasing pace of field development, the volume of gas produced will be significantly increased and the task of chemical utilization of acid gases and their use in the production of fertilizers becomes urgent. Currently, gas processing complexes are being built in the fields of Turkmenistan, equipped with modern equipment necessary for the primary processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, gas purification and dehydration, as well as for the production of commercial gas and the processing of hydrogen sulfide into sulfur, granulation and packaging of sulfur.

In the afternoon, meetings will be held, including online, between representatives of foreign companies and organizations with the leadership of the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan, at which the prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of environmental protection and the introduction of green technologies into production will be discussed.

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