The President of Turkmenistan took part in the commissioning of new electric power facilities

12:02 07.06.2024 1831

On June 5, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Dashoguz region, where he took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the commissioning of the new high-voltage power transmission line "Balkan - Dashoguz" and two electrical substations built on this route as part of the project to create a single energy ring of the country, TDH reports.

Closed energy ring should ensure the reliability of the national energy grid due to mutual redundancy between the regional energy systems and Ashgabat, thanks to which power engineers will be able to repair and modernize power units, electrical substations, and power lines without harm to consumers.

All work on laying the Balkan- Dashoguz power line with a total length of 572 km was carried out by domestic energy builders.

The commissioning of new facilities in the electric power industry marked the successful completion of a major project to create a single energy ring in Turkmenistan.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted at the ceremony of commissioning new facilities, the implementation of the project to unite the country’s energy system into a single ring is a significant event in the history of the energy industry of independent Turkmenistan.

With the successful implementation of this project, a unified ring power system has been formed in the country, which will facilitate the uninterrupted supply of electricity to domestic consumers, as well as the supply of electricity to foreign countries from different parts of our country, the President said.

In accordance with the National Program for the Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052, as well as the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022-2028, it is planned to transfer the existing power plants in the country to a combined cycle and build new combined power plants. Currently, a combined power plant with a capacity of 1,574 megawatts is being built in the Turkmenbashi etrap of Balkan region.

In order to increase the volumes and routes of supplies of Turkmen energy resources to foreign countries, the project for the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan power transmission line is being successfully implemented, the head of state noted.

In accordance with the requirements of the time, the material and technical base of the electric power industry is being strengthened. Modern technologies are being introduced into production, and the volume of electricity produced is consistently increasing.

The President also emphasized that our country pays great attention to the production of renewable energy resources. Currently, the construction of a multi-purpose solar and wind power plant in the Balkan velayat has entered its final stage , which will provide environmentally friendly electricity to new, modern villages being built in the region. In the future, our country will continue large-scale work on the use of renewable energy sources.

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