Interview with a participant of the International Forum TESC-2024

16:28 10.06.2024 1844

Director for Environmental Projects Mansur Hasilatullov shared his impressions of participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Energy Prospects, New Technologies and Environmental Aspects of Hydrocarbon Field Development” and the work he represented to the company “KER - Holding” of the Republic of Tatarstan (RF).

- Tell us about your company and its participation in the development of the energy sector of Turkmenistan.

- The KER-Holding company is engaged in the construction and repair of energy facilities, thermal power plants, stations, substations, gas turbine units.  The main focus is the production and repair of modern gas turbine technologies.

We have been working in Turkmenistan since 2009.  We successfully cooperate with the state concerns “Turkmengas”, “Turkmennebit”, carrying out joint activities. We repair foreign-made gas turbines here, including German, American, and Russian. The range of repairs for our turbines is very wide.

- How productive is participation in TESC-2024 for you?

- We were invited to the forum long before its opening.  One of the goals of participation is to expand your connections and establish new ones.

I would like to note the high level of organization of the conference.  We also welcome the desire of Turkmenistan and leading companies to improve the environmental friendliness of hydrocarbon production, especially in joint activities with European companies and global brands.

- Thank you, we wish you further success in developing fruitful cooperation with our country.

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