Eid al-Adha was celebrated on a grand scale in Turkmenistan

21:20 19.06.2024 1148


 In Turkmenistan, a sacred holiday for the entire Muslim world, Kurban Bayram, was celebrated on a wide scale, which is held annually for three days at the state level. Vibrant musical and song celebrations and social and cultural events were organized at various venues, in the cultural and entertainment centers of the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag, in all cities and towns of the country.  An integral part of this national holiday are traditional national dishes; sadaka is given in every home, guests are received and treated to festive dishes, expressing best wishes to each other.   

 Kurban Bayram is a wonderful holiday that affirms the ideas of universal peace, goodness and humanism, calling for friendly and fraternal relations.  It testifies to the high spiritual and moral beauty of a person, demonstrates commitment to peace and humanitarian principles. 

 One of the hadiths of the Holy Prophet states that the sacrificial animal must reach a certain age, for a lamb the minimum age is 6 months. The victim can be not only a ram or a goat, but also a camel, a cow (bull). One person is allowed to sacrifice one sheep. A camel and a cow can be sacrificed by seven people. In this case, all seven must have the intention to make a sacrifice and distribute the meat as alms. 

 Turkmen people celebrate this holiday in an atmosphere of general inspiration and spiritual uplift. This is a great merit of Hero-Arkadag and the President of Turkmenistan, thanks to whom our compatriots celebrate Kurban Bayram for three days with their family, their relatives, loved ones, neighbors and friends. The ancient traditions and customs of this national holiday, formed over thousands of years, have not yet lost their historical and educational significance and contribute to the further strengthening of the unity and cohesion of the courageous, inspired people of Turkmenistan.  

 The giant swings, which are traditionally installed in open areas, gave a special flavor to this holiday. In honor of the holiday, there were also song and musical performances by famous artists and musical groups; songs glorifying the successes and achievements of our fatherland, the fruits of national programs successfully implemented under the leadership of the respected President, were heard everywhere.   Kurban Bayram is one of the brightest and most beloved holidays of Turkmenistan, which is celebrated everywhere on a wide scale. May the Feast of Sacrifice be blessed, dear compatriots! 

Yazgul ANNAEVA                                                                                      

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