Labor successes of gas workers

11:44 03.07.2024 3856

Employees of the State Concern "Turkmengas" are making every effort to fulfill the tasks set by the head of state to increase the volume of natural gas production in the country.  Of course, for domestic gas workers, this year, passing under the motto “The Fount of the Mind of Magtymguly Fragi,” like previous ones, will be marked by enormous labor successes.  

During the celebration of Kurban Bayram in the country, drillers of the Turkmengasburawlayysh management of the concern managed to obtain an industrially significant influx of natural gas from the 259th production well of the Galkynysh gas field.

The department's drillers carried out drilling operations at a depth of 4,461 meters.  They obtained an industrial flow of gas from a depth of 4461 to 4350 meters.  According to experts, the production well's flow rate is more than two million cubic meters of natural gas per day.

During the drilling and construction of this gas well, support and tubing pipes, Xmas trees and column heads of the leading Japanese company Sumitomo, as well as high-tech underground equipment made in the USA, were widely used that correspond to the geological and technical characteristics of the Galkynysh gas field. 

A worthy contribution to the successful completion of drilling of a gas well by a drilling crew under the supervision of experienced gas worker Berdymurad Mukymov was made by specialist of the labor protection and safety department Shamuhammet Byashimov, drillers Shohrat Gumlyev, Dovlet Saryev, driller's assistants Bekmurad Komekov, Shohrat Khumadov, chemical analysis laboratory worker Bayram Annakulyev  and others. 

Gas workers of the Turkmengasburawlayysh management are currently rapidly drilling at the 260th and 265th gas wells of the Galkynysh field.

The producers of “blue fuel” express their sincere gratitude to the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero Arkadag, and the President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, for the trust they place in them and their close attention to the development of the oil and gas industry. 

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