The work of repair workers «Nebitgazduyplyabatlayysh» is successful

17:46 21.06.2024 740

The labor collectives of the departments of the trust “Nebitgazduyplyabatlayysh” of the State Concern “Turkmennebit” also contribute to the large-scale development of the oil and gas industry. They carry out effective work at the fields in the Balkan region. Due to the overhaul of wells that have exhausted or completely stopped production, these enterprises for the reporting period of the current year provided additional production of about 59,000 tons of «black gold» and 28.4 million cubic meters of «blue fuel». It should be emphasized that the volume of additionally extracted raw materials exceeds the results achieved by each of the enterprises for the specified period – the Korpeje gas production department, oil and gas production departments «Galkynyshnebit» and «Yashyldepe». This indicates that this year, passing under the motto «The Fount of Mind of Mahtumkuli Fragi», is marked by grandiose successes. 

As a result of the relentless efforts of the repairmen in five months of this year, 205 wells were restored and put into operation 205 wells instead of 164. During the period under review, the plan for the production of additional oil was fulfilled by 147.9%, natural gas – by 222.1%. An effective contribution to this success was made by the specialists of the repair teams of the wells Gothurdepe, Barsagelmez and Gamyshlyja. More than 21,290 tons of oil from the reconstructed wells from the reconstructed wells over the past five months of the current year account for the specialists-repairs of the capital repair departments of the Goturdepe field, about 18,000 tons – deposit Gamyshlyja and over 16.7 thousand tons were obtained from the wells of the Barsagelmez field. It should be noted that all the main and auxiliary enterprises included in the structure of the concern over the past few years have been provided with a powerful technical base, advanced technologies and equipment of world manufacturers specializing in the oil and gas industry in Germany, the USA, China and the Russian Federation. 

The drilling units were equipped with drilling capacity of up to seven thousand meters of rocks, well repairers are provided with a carrying capacity of 80 to 120 tons. Only in May of this year, the specialists of the capital repair departments restored and put into operation 37 units that exhausted their resource or completely stopped the production of wells. As a result, 18,970 tons of «black gold» instead of 14 thousand 798 tons and 10 million 835 thousand cubic meters of «blue fuel» instead of 4 million 960 thousand cubic meters were mined in one month.

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