The Azerbaijani company AZCHEMCO is ready to establish the production of liquid fertilizers and agrochemicals in Turkmenistan

11:02 25.06.2024 1603

This was stated on the side-lines of the International Scientific Conference “Energy Prospects, New Technologies and Environmental Aspects of the Development of Hydrocarbon Resources” (TESC 2024), held in Ashgabat in the first ten days of June, by Rifat Sultan-zade, Vice-Chairman of the holding company AZCHEMCO, an interview with whom we offer to readers of the site.

“Rifat Sultan-zade, tell us more about your proposal.” 

“The AZCHEMCO Company has its own technologies in the production of liquid and complex water-soluble fertilizers and agrochemicals. We have accumulated sufficient experience in this direction, which we are ready to share.

“Together with Turkmen partners, we are able to establish the production of liquid fertilizers in Turkmenistan. By investing in new production in the fraternal country, the company plans to produce liquid nitrogen- and sulfur-containing fertilizers, based on urea, sulfuric acid and sulfur of Turkmen origin, for their further sale in the region.” 

“How can your products interest potential partners and buyers?” 

“The AZCHEMCO Company is a co-author of the Azerbaijani standard “Fertilizers – Liquid”. When preparing for COP29, we signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan.

“These actions imply our commitment to producing environmentally friendly products. Thus, no nitrates are used in the production of fertilizers and, accordingly, there is no nitrate trace in food products grown with them. In addition, liquid fertilizers have a number of advantages.

“Liquid fertilizers are more attractive for agriculture due to their ease of absorption and lower water consumption when used (given water scarcity in the region). The use of liquid nitrogen fertilizers will reduce the amount of nitrous oxide evaporation into the atmosphere, which causes the greenhouse effect and affects global warming.

“We must take into account the fact that agriculture accounts for 8% of the causes of global climate change.

“I’d like to repeat, taking into account the colossal amount of natural gas in Turkmenistan and the volume of its production, the AZCHEMCO Company is ready to provide its own technology for processing by-product sulfur and converting it into raw materials for the production of a line of liquid agrochemicals.” 

“In terms of the global environmental agenda and the work carried out in Turkmenistan in this direction, what do you see as the prospects for cooperation with the Turkmen party?” 

“Of course, the prospects for our cooperation are connected not only with production tasks, but also with the establishment of research cooperation between Azerbaijani and Turkmen companies and institutions in the field of attracting investments in resolving climate changes.

“The Climate Change Conference (COP 29) will be held in Baku this November. The President of COP 29, Mr Mukhtar Babayev is actively working to attract investments in climate change, emphasizing the important role of development banks and international financial institutions in achieving climate goals. 

“Taking into account the sustainable goals of Turkmenistan, AZCHEMCO is ready to cooperate with the institutions of Turkmenistan to draw up new initiatives within the framework of climate finance.

“At the same time, our company has launched a project to create a climate fund, ‘A3 Climate Fund’, which will help attract investments to resolve global climate problems.

“I would like to especially emphasize the commitment of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan to achieving a ‘green future’, the focus of our respected Presidents, Ilham Aliyev and Serdar Berdimuhamedov, on addressing the challenges of combating climate change.

“Our countries are rich in fossil fuels. At the same time, energy security issues are considered at the level of national security of the states. Both Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, while continuing to invest in fossil fuel production, remain united on issues related to climate change.

“It is important that our peoples are connected by centuries-old historical, spiritual and cultural ties, the role of which is especially important today in solving common globally significant problems.

“Taking this opportunity, I would like to congratulate the Turkmen people on the 300th birth anniversary of the great poet of the East Magtymguly Pyragy, being widely celebrated in Turkmenistan and outside the country. Let me remind you the beautiful lines from his widely known poem ‘The Future of Turkmenistan’: 

Tribes live as one family,
There is a single tablecloth laid out for the celebration,
A great destiny is given to the Motherland,
And the granite melts before the troops of Turkmenistan.”

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