Visiting the guests of children's health centers in the Geokdere Gorge

19:10 01.07.2024 851

The summer holiday season is in full swing in the Geokdere Gorge. Thousands of schoolchildren relaxing in children's health centers in one of the picturesque corners of our country plunged headlong into the atmosphere of joy, fun and new adventures that every day of the warm sunny summer gives them. One of the favorite vacation spots of most children is the children's health centers of the oil and gas complex, which are also located in the Geokdere Gorge.

We recently visited this beautiful corner of Turkmen nature, got acquainted with the recreational conditions for children and took part in the events “The principle of a healthy lifestyle - an example for the younger generation”, organized by the council of the trade union of workers of the oil and gas industry complex together with the State Concern "Turkmengas". We first visited the Cheshme recreation center, where, traditionally, hundreds of children vacation every year. The kids greeted us with a sincere smile on their faces. We were first attracted by the competitions in checkers, chess and drawing among teams organized at the Palace of Culture of the center. Here, during a conversation with teachers, educators and methodologists, we learned a lot of interesting things about the life of the young guests of the center, where all conditions have been created for their complete comfortable rest, development of sports, creative skills, intellectual, cognitive abilities, as well as for passive recreation, like reading books and watching movies. In addition to daily cultural and sports events, children also regularly participate in competitions and competitions organized between children's health centers. This gives children positive emotions, strengthens self-confidence and develops qualities such as desire, perseverance, and perseverance.

Children who actively participate in such events are rewarded with prizes and certificates of honor. It is worth noting that the center hosts song and music events every evening, during which children have the opportunity to show their diverse talents. Based on the results of the competitions, the winners are announced.

Next we visited the Nebitchi center, where early in the morning we could hear the cheerful, ringing voices of children playing football on the playground. Another group of children was involved in a song and music event organized on the coast of a mountain river. The sounds of music mixed with children's laughter, the irresistible beauty of the surrounding nature, impeccably clean, oxygen-rich air - all this gave us true pleasure and increased the feeling of pride in our homeland, where the main criterion for a prosperous, prosperous society is decent conditions for all children.

The Nesil children's health center is one of the largest centers of the oil and gas complex, designed for a thousand places per season. This center is distinguished by a large number of swimming pools, sports and cultural grounds. The modern indoor sports and cinema-concert halls are particularly popular with children. There are more than 10 clubs at the Cultural Center. The center has the conditions for the simultaneous organization of several events in different areas and taking into account the interests of vacationers.

In all centers, sporting events are held in the morning. By the time we arrived at the Shohle center, the morning cool had been replaced by hot weather. Therefore, the center of all entertainment programs, as in all health centers, in the Shohle center becomes the Palace of Culture. There are computer, dance, song and music clubs here, and fans of intellectual sports, needlewomen, and book lovers can also spend their time profitably. Our visit coincided with a competition in expressive reading, song and musical performances, and arts and crafts. Well, and of course, here, as in all centers, there is an incredible atmosphere of creativity and creativity.

All centers of the oil and gas complex are provided with new buses, so children’s trips to the capital’s sights, cultural and entertainment centers and parks are made in comfortable conditions, in a healthy, friendly atmosphere.

In general, the holidays continue, therefore, summer brings joy to schoolchildren every day with the warm rays of the sun. Having visited the centers, we were once again convinced that all conditions were created here for children to have a good rest, varied leisure time, realize their creative and personal potential, and restore their health. We can only welcome the second holiday season and wish all vacationers to truly plunge into the world of serene childhood.

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