The President of Turkmenistan and the UAE Minister of Economy discussed the prospects for interaction between the two countries

20:44 26.06.2024 1540

 On June 25, during the meeting of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with the Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates Abdullah bin Touk Al-Marri, who arrived in the Turkmen capital at the head of his country’s delegation to participate in the Turkmenistan-UAE business forum, the prospects for long-term partnership between friendly countries were discussed, TDH reports.

 During the discussions, increasing indicators of bilateral trade turnover were noted.  In order to strengthen productive ties, the need was emphasized to maintain coordinated contacts between government agencies of the two countries, create favorable conditions for the development of trade, and hold mutual business events and conferences.

 Among the promising vectors, the fuel and energy complex was named, where positive experience of joint activities with leading UAE companies has been accumulated.  President Serdar Berdimuhamedov confirmed Turkmenistan’s readiness to deepen cooperation in this direction and invited Emirati companies to participate in large international energy projects carried out in Turkmenistan.

 Among the new areas of cooperation, the sphere of renewable and “green” energy was identified.  In this context, the expediency of building up partnership in this area was emphasized and mutual readiness to consider opportunities for implementing joint projects was confirmed.

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