Gas workers enjoy success

13:24 29.06.2024 1500

 Workers of the underground and major repairs of wells of the Lebapgazchykarysh department of the State Concern «Turkmengas» with their hard work ennoble this year, which is held under the motto “The Fount of the Mind of Magtymguly Fragi”.  Over the past five months of this significant year, they managed to qualitatively repair 11 wells, thereby successfully meeting their planned obligations.  The head of the department’s geology department, Berdy Kutliev, proudly says that each of the site’s employees makes their own contribution to these successes.  One of the frontline repair crews is working at the Malay gas field, where large volumes of natural gas are produced. 

 Over the past period of this year, more than 2 billion 227.3 million cubic meters of natural gas were produced here.  It is worth noting that a significant part of the natural gas produced by the department comes from the Malayskoye field.  This progress became possible thanks to the commissioning of a powerful gas compressor station. Due to the targeted use of the enormous potential of the facility, the flow of “blue fuel” is consistently increasing.  Considerable credit for the achievements goes to the specialists of the repair team under the leadership of Nurjan Akgaev, who, since the beginning of the year, having overhauled well No. 76, achieved an increase in natural gas volumes – by more than 140 thousand cubic meters daily. 

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