At the auction, the total amount of transactions amounted to over 15 million 598 thousand US dollars

09:25 02.07.2024 861

Last week, 16 transactions were registered at the auction of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan, TDH reports.

For foreign currency, entrepreneurs from the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Uzbekistan purchased liquefied gas, petroleum road bitumen, base oil, and hydrotreated diesel fuel produced at the technological installations of the State Concern "Turkmennebit".

In addition, dyed terry products and cotton waste were sold for foreign currency. Buying countries: Turkey, Azerbaijan. The total amount of transactions amounted to over 15 million 598 thousand US dollars.

For the domestic market, local entrepreneurs purchased polypropylene and petroleum road bitumen (State Concern "Turkmennebit"), as well as float glass, handmade carpets and cotton lint. The total amount of transactions amounted to more than 77 million 81 thousand manats.

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