The Islamic Development Bank will finance a number of projects in Turkmenistan

20:49 04.07.2024 1232

At the 356th meeting of the Board of Executive Directors of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), the allocation of US$368.98 million was approved to finance new development projects in member countries.  These include projects in Turkey, Turkmenistan and Suriname, the MIC of Turkmenistan reports with reference to the bank’s official website.

It is noted that these strategic projects are aimed at promoting sustainable development and socio-economic growth in all member countries.

In particular, with financing from the IDB in the amount of 156.3 million US dollars, Turkmenistan will build three oncology centers and train relevant specialists.  The project will increase daily inpatient services by 33% and improve care for 11,750 patients per year, significantly reducing cancer incidence.

The Islamic Development Bank remains committed to supporting its member countries in achieving sustainable development and economic growth through strategic projects.  These investments not only meet immediate needs, but also lay the foundation for long-term sustainability and prosperity, the source said.

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