Nebitçi on guard of oil workers’ health

14:58 26.07.2024 2049

The state is a group of citizens, that is the population, whose wellbeing and standard of living demonstrate the level of stability of the state. Undoubtedly, stability in the state, as a key condition for the progressive improvement of the quality of life of the population, contributes to the growth of the country’s economic potential. A worthy quality of life becomes that social value in the state policy that ensures the wellbeing of its citizens, their social security and confidence in the future, respectively, all this smoothly flows into caring for the mental health of people. In this regard, our country is model, an example of which is the grandiose transformations and the large-scale construction of social and cultural facilities carried out in all regions of the country, including the Balkan velayat. 

The Avaza national tourism zone, a symbol of the nation’s concern for the health and recreation of the people, is a vivid confirmation of this. The sanatoria Mollagara and Awaza, located on the territory of the Balkan velayat, are also among the favorite vacation spots of all Turkmen citizens. 

The Nebitçi Sanatorium of the Türkmennebit State Concern, built in 1989 in the central city of the western region of the country, today provides exemplary service to workers engaged in the exploration and development of oil and gas fields, drilling operations and the production and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials.  

This five-story building with a unique architectural design, capable of simultaneously accommodating 100 guests, has equipment for medical and diagnostic rooms, comfortable rooms for vacationers, a canteen with a spacious hall, cozy rooms, rooms for cultural and mass events and other utility premises. 

After the major renovation of the Sanatorium, carried out in 2012, the number of people wishing to relax and improve their health in this modern medical and health institution with a completely updated interior and exterior has increased. Fitting the reception and treatment rooms with modern medical equipment has increased the level of medical and preventive care provided to oil workers and their families by true professionals. It is not for nothing that people say that a kind word is half the cure. The friendly, caring and sensitive attitude of the medical staff is their distinctive feature, which has a positive effect on the emotional and physical condition of vacationers. 

The physiotherapy department, which is fully supplied with the necessary medical equipment, includes a circular shower, a Charcot shower, a bischofite bath, and rooms for therapeutic exercise training has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the procedures. High-quality services are provided by doctors – gynecologists, therapists and dentists. At the same time, performances by employees of the Palace of Culture of Oil Workers of the city of Balkanabat are periodically organized, which gives vacationers spiritual pleasure. The Sanatorium offers a sports ground, a bathhouse and a sauna. Three meals a day are provided for the residents staying at the institution on the directions of the production units of the Türkmennebit State Concern. Such an approach to the health of the population causes in every Turkmen citizen a feeling of immense pride in their homeland, the strategy of which is defined by the slogan “The state is for the people!” 

“We receive many letters of gratitude from people who have had a rest in our health resort. This indicates that our doctors, nurses and all service personnel are responsible for their professional duties. I would especially like to note a therapist Eneke Berdiyeva, a nurse Aybibi Halliyeva, a massage therapist Ezizmammed Tachmammedov and a deputy director for administrative and economic work Muhammed Meredov, who, with their diligence and dedication to work, set an example for their colleagues,” the chief physician of the Sanatorium Suleyman Halliyev proudly says.

Hojaberdy BAYRAMOV

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