Hanhovuz ensures uninterrupted operation of industrial enterprises of the State Concern "Turkmengas"

10:08 02.08.2024 1155


Water treatment facilities ensure uninterrupted operation of large industrial enterprises of Turkmenistan. One of these facilities - Hanhovuz, located in the Mary region, has been supplying clean water to the Western and Eastern Shatlyk gas fields, as well as other infrastructure facilities of the region, for more than half a century.

The history of Hanhovuz begins with the development of the rich hydrocarbon reserves of the Shatlyk field. To ensure the uninterrupted operation of this large industrial facility, it was necessary to build powerful water treatment facilities. Today, in addition to the gas fields of "Dashoguzgazakdyrysh", clean water from Hanhovuz is supplied to a manufacturing enterprise, a modern gas distribution station Dovrebap of the "Gundogargazakdyrysh" department and other facilities.

The water purification process in Hanhovuz begins with the intake of water from the Karakum River.  Water undergoes several stages of purification before reaching consumers. First, it is naturally purified in a reservoir with a capacity of 2 thousand cubic meters, and then undergoes additional mechanical and chemical purification. Purified water is supplied to consumers through a high-pressure water supply system.

The company is especially proud of its employees. Qualified specialists, such as pumping station operator Batyr Yazmuradov, who has dedicated more than 18 years to working at the facility, share their experience with young colleagues. Thanks to their professionalism and dedication, the Hanhovuz water treatment facilities function properly and provide clean water not only to industrial enterprises, but also to the environment.

The territory of the water treatment facility with an area of more than two hectares is not only a production facility, but also a real oasis in the desert. Thanks to the care of the workers, a green park with shady alleys and fruit trees has been laid out here.

Water treatment facilities are not just technical facilities. They are a symbol of care for the future, a guarantee of stable operation of industry and well-being of people.

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