Turkmenistan Schoolchildren Spend Unforgettable Vacations at Children's Health Centers

10:58 20.08.2024 498


Summer is a favorite time for all children. In Turkmenistan, schoolchildren traditionally spend their summer vacations at children's health centers (CHCs) located in picturesque corners of the country. One of the most popular vacation spots is the Gokdere Gorge, where the centers of the State Concern "Turkmengas" - "Chesme," "Nebitchi," "Nesil," and "Shohle" are located, as well as the "Gara altyn" of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" in Hazar and the "Arzuv" of the TCOR in Avaza.

Schoolchildren from different regions of Turkmenistan come to these children's health centers on preferential vouchers issued from the place of work of their parents, who work in organizations and enterprises of the country's oil and gas industry.One of the children's favorite centers for spending summer vacations is the "Nesil" CHC, which gathers about a thousand children each season.

Recently, the "Nesil" CHC held an "Open Day" dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the great Turkmen poet Magtymguly Fragi. The event was organized by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, and the Central Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organization. Young vacationers read the poet's verses, sang songs, participated in contests and master classes. Then, artists performed in front of the children. A festive atmosphere was created by an exhibition of decorative and applied arts and works by Fragi, organized by the State Library of the Cultural Center of Turkmenistan.Similar events dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the great Turkmen poet Magtymguly Fragi are held during the summer holidays at all children's health centers in the country.

It has also become a tradition to hold sports events at children's health centers. Recently, the Council of the Trade Union of Oil and Gas Complex Workers of Turkmenistan organized cultural and sports events under the motto "We are the generation of a happy era" at the Chesme, Nebitchi, Nesil, and Shohle CHCs. The children played football, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, checkers, and chess, and participated in obstacle courses.

Creative contests in expressive reading, singing, and theatrical performances are also held at the CHCs. In these events, each child finds their place and participates according to their calling.

Every day spent at children's health centers gives children an unforgettable vacation in the irresistible beauty of the surrounding nature, with impeccably clean, oxygen-rich air.

At the centers, children are supervised by experienced teachers, methodologists, and trainers. All conditions are created here for their full and comfortable rest, the development of sports, creative skills, intellectual, and cognitive abilities, as well as for passive rest, such as reading books and watching movies.

According to the Plan approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, in addition to daily cultural and sports events, children regularly participate in contests and competitions organized between children's health centers. This gives children positive emotions, strengthens their belief in their abilities, and develops qualities such as aspiration, perseverance, and persistence.

The centers have all the necessary conditions for the prevention and strengthening of the physical health of schoolchildren. From the beginning to the end of each shift, they are under the supervision of highly qualified doctors.

Such care for the younger generation increases the sense of pride in our homeland, where the main criterion for a prosperous and prosperous society is decent conditions for all children. The vivid impressions received at children's health centers will remain in the children's memory for a long time.

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