IUOG representatives undergo internship at Petronas University

13:47 23.08.2024 758


In August, three teachers and five students from the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas (IUOG) went to Malaysia for an internship.

The students are undergoing a two-week internship at the Petronas University of Technology from August 19 to 23, while the teachers are participating in week-long professional development courses, according to the website of the oil and gas university.

As part of the training, the Turkmen teachers are getting acquainted with the processes of organizing the educational and methodological work of Petronas University, developing curricula and programs, their implementation, conducting research work, as well as introducing digital technologies into the educational system. The Turkmen teachers also met with professors, teachers and specialists from Petronas University.

 This visit of representatives of Turkmenistan to Malaysia is taking place within the framework of cooperation between the International University named after Yagshygeldi Kakayev and PETRONAS Çarigali (Turkmenistan) Sdn Bhd and the Technological University of PETRONAS.

Professors and teachers of Petronas University regularly conduct courses on advanced technologies and equipment used in the oil and gas industry for students and young teachers of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev IUOG, the source notes.

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