Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: it is necessary to develop a training program for highly qualified personnel for the fuel and energy complex

14:37 04.02.2021 5735

 President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov instructed to develop a program for training highly qualified personnel for the fuel and energy complex.  The head of the state gave relevant instructions at a working meeting on the development of the oil and gas industry in Turkmenistan held on Tuesday.

 As the President emphasized, the development of science, technology, improving the quality and level of education of young people, training talented specialists to work in all branches of the fuel and energy complex is an important requirement of the time.

 «Despite the fact that a modern high-tech International University of Oil and Gas was built, the geological exploration, oil and gas production and processing industries of Turkmenistan are not fully provided with highly qualified personnel», - the head of the state said.

 “In addition to managers, field specialists, IT specialists, it is important for the University to train highly professional teachers, researchers and candidates of science in these areas”, -the Turkmen leader said.

 The President noted that in the field of training highly qualified workers for the oil and gas industry, conducting scientific and practical work, cooperation with international universities and other authoritative specialized institutions should be intensified, using modern communication systems.  Also, Turkmen students should regularly participate in prestigious international competitions, the scientific works prepared by them should be introduced into production.

 Guided by the world experience in training specialists for the oil and gas sector, the University should introduce modern methods and know-how, train in accordance with international standards, and involve highly professional specialists from foreign countries in this work, the head of state noted.

 Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that it would be expedient to create a Center for the training of teachers, scientists, candidates of sciences for the oil and gas industry at the university.

 At the same time, according to the head of the state, it is necessary to actively involve international educational institutions, including training centers of reputable companies, such as CNPC, Dragon Oil, Hyudai, LG, Lukoil, Areti and others, who are reliable partners of our country.

 The leader of the nation noted that it is necessary to establish bilateral relations with prestigious higher educational institutions of the oil and gas sector of foreign countries – in order to exchange experience, knowledge, introduce modern methods of training highly qualified specialists at the level of world standards.  At the same time, students, teachers and researchers of our country should actively participate in international competitions.

 The head of Turkmenistan gave specific instructions to the vice-premier and rector of the university on the preparation of the necessary proposals in this direction.

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