The President of Turkmenistan congratulated compatriots on the National Spring Day - International Novruz Day

17:15 21.03.2021 5079

 On the occasion of the onset of the National Spring Day - International Novruz Day, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed a festive message to the Turkmen people.

 As noted in the Address of the turkmen leader, Novruz was an age-old holiday of many peoples, that our ancestors had widely celebrated,  identified it with the coming of the new year.

 This holiday is a unique component of the national mentality.  Traditions and customs inherited from ancestors are now being replenished with new content, enriched with new trends.  Nowadays Novruz is an invaluable treasure, absorbing ancient history, cultural heritage, and the spiritual world of our people.

 “As you know, by a special resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations, March 21 was declared the International Day of Nowruz, and the holiday itself was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List.  These historically important events, increasing the international significance of Novruz and contributing to the build-up of friendly and fraternal relations between peoples, are of great importance in preserving and improving universal human values, traditions of humanism, and popularizing the national cultural heritage.

 This year, marked by the 30th anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan, the 140th anniversary of the city of Ashgabat, Novruz holiday is solemnly celebrated, accompanied by colorful festivals, competitions in the art of singing, exhibitions of decorative and applied arts, as well as agricultural products and demonstration of gastronomic traditions.  All this is of particular importance in the context of popularizing our ancient cultural heritage, educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism.

 The national spring holiday glorifies the principles of the Turkmen people, based on peacefulness, friendship and humanism, inspires our citizens to grandiose accomplishments.  The joy and joy that come along with Novruz fill our hearts with the energy of spring”, - the message says.

 Concluding the festive Address to the people of Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished the compatriots good health, long life, family well-being and new labor victories.

 “Let the melodies of the Novruz holiday sound like an ode glorifying the high achievements of our Motherland, the happy, peaceful and prosperous life of our united people!”  - head of state the emphasizes in his message.

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