The President of Turkmenistan at the UN forum came up with initiatives to develop low-carbon energy and hydrogen fuel

23:35 26.05.2021 4621

 The initiatives of Turkmenistan for the development of low-carbon energy and hydrogen fuel were announced by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on Tuesday at the high-level Global Round Table on the topic “Extractive Industries as an Engine of Sustainable Development”, held online by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

 “Confirming its firm commitment to uniting and strengthening international efforts in the face of the current serious environmental threats, Turkmenistan proposes a number of concrete and urgent steps,” Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

 “In particular, we consider it necessary to start developing a UN Strategy aimed at implementing measures to develop low-carbon energy.  Our second proposal is the creation, under the auspices of the UN, of an international “Roadmap” for the development of hydrogen as one of the priority directions in the energy sector,” the Turkmen leader noted.

 Speaking at the forum, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also emphasized that Turkmenistan stood for the closest coordination of international efforts aimed at minimizing the risks and challenges existed in this regard.  A key factor there had to be universal commitment to the Paris Agreement on climate change.

“Having joined this fundamental document, Turkmenistan has actively taken a course towards substantive cooperation with the UN and other specialized international structures for its widespread implementation,” the head of the state said.

 “Currently, in accordance with the commitments under the Paris Agreement, the Fourth National Communication on Climate Change and the First Biennial Communication are being developed in Turkmenistan with the support of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).  It is planned that both documents will be submitted to the UN Secretariat in early 2023,” the President of Turkmenistan emphasized.

 He also noted that, together with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Turkmenistan was carrying out preparatory work on the implementation of two large projects to protect the ozone layer.

 “Being one of the world's largest resource-producing countries and fully aware of its responsibility in this regard, Turkmenistan is making every effort to maintain a balance between production goals and environmental protection objectives,” Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

 The President also noted that in recent years, the carbon intensity of products produced in Turkmenistan had been steadily decreasing.  According to expert estimated carried out within the framework of the third National Communication of Turkmenistan, in the long term until 2030, economic growth would be accompanied by a decrease in the share of energy consumption per unit of GDP. Thus, there would be a downward trend in the growth rate of carbon dioxide emissions to 122% in 2025 and to 118.1% in 2030.

 The head of the state also noted that adaptation measures to restore forests and improve land used to mitigate climate impacts were widely implemented in Turkmenistan. As part of the National Green Belt Program, extensive forest belts had been created around cities using progressive water-saving irrigation methods. This year, it is planned to plant an additional 30 million seedlings in the country.

 “This work is designed for the long term, will be carried out purposefully and as efficiently as possible, including on the principles of public-private partnership,” the Turkmen leader said.

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