The President of Kyrgyzstan visited the exhibition of export goods of Turkmenistan

23:14 28.06.2021 16423

 Last Sunday, the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted an exhibition of export goods of Turkmenistan, as well as a Turkmen-Kyrgyz economic forum, timed to coincide with the official visit of President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov to Ashgabat, began on June 27.

 The distinguished guest, accompanied by Vice-Chairman Chary Gylydzhov, got acquainted with the exhibition expositions, with the export potential of the country represented by the gas and gas production, oil refining, chemical industries, the textile industry, as well as construction, agriculture, subsoil use, etc.

 The oil and gas industry, which was the basic sector of the national economy, was represented at the exhibition by the State Concerns «Turkmengas» and «Turkmennebit», as well as the State Corporation «Turkmengeology».  An extensive exposition tells about large energy projects of national and international scale, including the construction of transnational highways and ultra-modern gas chemical complexes, the development of oil and gas fields, underground storehouses of other minerals and minerals.

 On the same day, President Sadyr Japarov and members of the government delegation took part in the Turkmen-Kyrgyz economic forum, the agenda of which included a wide range of issues related to the implementation of the trade, economic, export and investment potential of the two countries.

 Cooperation in the oil and gas industry became one of the central topics of the forum.  In this regard, it was noted that the energy policy of Turkmenistan was aimed at the comprehensive development of the fuel and energy complex and its dynamic integration into the world energy system.  An important aspect of our country's energy strategy was the expansion of the geography of export routes for energy supplies to world markets.  Among the most significant projects in the area was the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline.

 Along with it, special attention was paid to the deep processing of natural gas; in recent years, several ultra-modern gas chemical complexes was put into operation, including a polymer plant in Kiyanly and a plant in Akhal region, where the production of synthetic, environmentally friendly gasoline from natural gas of the ECO-93 brand was established on an industrial scale for the first time in the world.  In the near future, it is planned to build several more similar enterprises producing products with high added value that are in demand on world markets.

 The participants of the business meeting watched a video about the achievements of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, its main divisions and enterprises engaged in the development of hydrocarbon fields, production, processing and transportation of oil and natural gas, etc.

 Representatives of the business circles of Kyrgyzstan were invited to study the possibilities of purchasing through the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan products manufactured by the State Concern «Turkmengas» and the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries.

 Within the framework of the forum, bilateral negotiations were held between representatives of ministries and departments, state and private companies, during which new contacts were established, prospects for development of cooperation were discussed and plans for further interaction were concretized.

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