Sanatorium «Shatlyk» - popular resting place for gas workers

19:57 11.08.2021 15708

 During summer vacations, the Shatlyk sanatorium of the Marygazchykarysh department of the State Concern «Turkmengas» is very popular among gas industry workers of our country. Resting place is located on the picturesque bank of the Karakum River.

 Vacationers here are provided with effective treatment and recovery programs based on natural factors in combination with physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy and balanced nutrition.

 In this institution, equipped in accordance with all modern requirements, high level medical care is provided. The sanatorium complex is equipped with high-tech equipment, which makes it possible to provide a wide range of medical services.

 The branch sanatorium accepts not only gas production workers. Up to 104 guests can be accommodated here.  In general, more than 3000 people improve their health in Shatlyk during the year.

 On the territory of the sanatorium, hydrogen sulfide water is extracted from a depth of 1350 meters. It is used in many health procedures.  Iodine-bromine mineral baths are especially useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin and nervous system.

 The resort is surrounded by majestic trees and well-tended gardens with shady vegetation, which creates a pleasant microclimate even on the hottest summer days.

 A modern sanatorium-resort network has been created and operates throughout Turkmenistan.  Currently, in the regions of the country, new medical institutions are being built at an accelerated pace, where the most modern methods of prevention and treatment are being introduced, which opens up wide opportunities for restoring and strengthening the health of citizens.

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