President: Turkmenistan has significant potential for cooperation with the SCO countries in energy, transport and other areas

15:54 21.09.2021 4515

 Turkmenistan sees significant potential for cooperation with the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the energy and transport sectors, in trade and investment, industry and agriculture, in the field of high technologies and innovations.  This was stated by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, speaking as a guest of honor at the SCO summit, which took place last Friday in the capital of Tajikistan.

 The Turkmen leader also emphasized that “today, when the whole world is faced with new serious challenges, the role of the SCO is objectively increasing.  And its capabilities, accumulated experience are in demand in the context of tasks related to minimizing the consequences of the pandemic, restoring continental economic and transport links, infrastructure and logistics”.

 In this regard, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov invited the SCO member states to participate in the international conference of landlocked developing countries, which Ashgabat will hold jointly with the UN in April 2022.

 - We regard it as a good opportunity for a concrete and practical dialogue on international transport cooperation in emergency and post-crisis periods.  We invite your states to participate in this important international forum, - the head of Turkmenistan said.

 Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov mentioned that close historical ties, long-term partnerships based on friendship, good neighborliness, equality and mutual respect binded Turkmenistan with all SCO member states.

 In this regard, the leader of our country expressed confidence that «this nature of bilateral relations serves as a powerful additional factor in our mutual rapprochement on clear and open principles, establishing a competent, professional dialogue, moving to developing promising areas and models of partnership».

 “This is also facilitated by the presence of a powerful resource and production base in our countries, a favorable geographical location, dynamic development of the logistics infrastructure, accumulated experience and traditions of cooperation, mutual understanding and trust,” the President said.

 The Turkmen leader also expressed confidence that «the establishment of multifaceted, systematic, purposeful cooperation between Turkmenistan and the SCO can give new powerful impulses for development, promote a dynamic and high-quality course of political, economic, social, humanitarian processes throughout Eursaid».

 At the end of his speech, the head of Turkmenistan stressed his readiness for constructive joint work.

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