Fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan: vectors of development

15:44 26.08.2020 14980


Efficient use of potential of oil and gas industry is an important aspect of the policy steadily implemented by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

At the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 3, the Head of the State gave number of assignments for further improvement of activity of facilities of fuel and energy complex, increment of volumes of production and processing of oil and gas, introduction of modern digital technologies as well as expansion of international cooperation in energy sphere.

Development of oil and gas blocks in Turkmen section of Caspian Sea and oil deposits discovered in Caspian zone of Western Turkmenistan, active attraction of foreign investments and experienced foreign companies were outlined among the main objectives.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity of timely fulfilment of the works for exploration of new deposits of oil and condensate, provision of growth of hydrocarbon resources for establishment of reliable material base of fuel and energy complex.

Having highlighted that realization of the project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line is an important component of energy strategy of the country, the Head of the State ordered to accelerate work for diversification of supplies of Turkmen natural gas to the world markets and search for potential consumers.

Turkmenistan has significant reserves of hydrocarbons. In this regard, the Head of the State steadily pursues the idea of integration of energy markets of Europe and Asia for achievement of long-term stability and sustainability in energy sphere, provision of wide access of consumers to economically beneficial, eco-friendly energy resources by establishment of relative infrastructure.

Constructive initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which are confirmed by relative Resolutions of the UN General Assembly, are aimed at formation of new architecture of global energy security, which meets modern reality and time demands.

Big projects, which are very important from the point of view of activation of interstate trade and economic relations as well as in the context of solution of global objectives of environment protection, transfer to use of eco-friendly energy, are successfully implemented in this sphere.

Construction of transnational Turkmenistan – China gas line is a visual example in this sphere. After commissioning of the gas line in December 2009, many cubic kilometres of high-quality natural gas are exported to the PRC from the fields operated mainly by the State Concern Türkmengaz.

Deposits of Bagtiyarlyk Contractual Territory, which exploration, development and production are carried out by Chinese National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) on the terms of the Production Sharing Agreement, is another supply source of the gas line. At the beginning of 2020, the investments of CNPC to this projects made more than 8.2 billion US dollars.

Project of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India (TAPI) gas line has huge geopolitical and economic significance. New energy bridge is not only to provide long-term supply of Turkmen gas to large countries of South Asia but also to become a strong stimulus for further social and economic development of entire region, strengthening of business partnership and stability.

It has special importance for peaceful revival of Afghanistan, rehabilitation of its social and economic infrastructure, solution such vital issues as opening of new working places, which in its turn would support to improvement of life level of the population. In addition to defined volumes of gas, our southern neighbour will receive significant commercial benefit for transit of Turkmen energy resources across its territory.

Experience gained during realization of similar mega projects can be used for further expansion of gas transportation infrastructure, for example by construction of Trans- Caspian gas line. It is worth to remind that in October last year, European Commission included this gas line to the list of priority energy projects of European Union.

Continuing the subjects, it is worth to mention that at present time, the gas is supplied to Russian Federation by Central Asia – Centre gas line under five-year contract signed with Gazprom on procurement of natural gas from the State Concern Türkmengaz.

Together with export, satisfaction of growing internal demand of energy resources is one of important objectives of fuel and energy complex, which is provided by dynamic rates of development of leading branches of national economy including oil and gas, chemical, power energy, construction energy and other spheres.

Modern industrial giants specialized in deep processing of hydrocarbon materials have been put into operation in the last several years. In particular, these are the units for gasoline production at Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex, polymeric plant in Kiyanly producing high-density polyethylene and different type of polyethylene as well as the first in the world plant for production of synthetic gasoline from natural gas in Ahal Region, which was built in participation with the leading companies and banks of Japan and the Republic of Korea.

At present, retarded coking and tar de-asphalting units are under installation at Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex. It will allow increasing the depth of processing of oil and condensate and developing production of needle coke in future.

The Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030 provides the construction of the second train for production of synthetic gasoline in Ahal, methyldiethanolamine production unit in Balkan Region and isobutene production unit at polymeric plant in Kiyanly, rubber, polystyrene, polyvinyl acetate, methanol and other plants.

In general, all of these will allow strengthening innovative component of the economy, increasing share of production with high added value in export.

Industrial development of the biggest in the world gas onshore deposit Galkynysh is one of the major projects aimed at strengthening of material base of the industry.

Turkmen side entered into the agreement with Japanese Mitsubishi Corporation for preliminary technical project design of the plant for production of 10 billion cubic meters of sale gas per year, which is planned to be built under the next phase of development of Galkynysh Field. Three gas processing complex with total annual output capacity of 30 billion cubic meters of gas have been put into operation at the field earlier.

Support and increment of volumes of oil and gas production in Turkmenistan is mainly provided by increment of e output of traditional deposits, use of efficient technologies and methods of development. Cooperation with foreign companies is actively developed in this field. Joint efficient activity of foreign and Turkmen specialists supports to achieve planned goals.

Thus, Tatneft PJSC (The Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation), with which additional agreement for provision of services for overhaul of 88 wells at Goturdepe Field has been signed in the end of 2018, has recommended itself as reliable partner that successfully fulfils undertaken obligations.

Last May, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution, having authorize the State Concern Türkmengaz to enter into contract with Turkmen Petroleum Products Trade DMCC registered in United Arab Emirates for provision of services for increment of production of natural gas at 30 wells of Dovletabat gas deposit.

Construction of gas compressor unit with annual output of 2 billion cubic meters of gas at Zäkli Derweze gas treatment plants, which provide services to the group of gas condensate deposits in Central Karakums, is carried out. This project, which is carried out by the state Concern Türkmengaz with GP Global Equipment Pte Ltd (Singapore), is planned to be accomplished in 2022.

In addition, international tenders for turnkey construction of new gas dehydration unit at Deryalyk production platform, delivery of equipment and modernization of the 1st and 2nd technological lines of Bagaja Gas Processign Complex are exercised.

Deposits of Turkmen section of Caspian Sea have big perspectives. Experts estimate their reserves of 12.1 billion tons of oil and condensate as well as 6.1 trillion cubic meters of gas.

Petronas Carigali (Turkmenistan) (Malaysia) works in this place these days. It provides exploration and production of hydrocarbons on Block – I Contractual Territory. The company has carried out the complex of seismic surveys, drilled several dozens of exploration, evaluation and production wells, operates rich deposits of Magtumguly and Diyarbekir.

Gas treatment plant and onshore gas terminal have been put into operation in the outskirts of Kiyanly settlement. Total volume of investments is around 11 billion US dollars at the beginning of 2020.

In its turn, Dragon Oil (Turkmenistan) Ltd, the branch of Dragon Oil (UAE) develops Jeytun and Jygalybek deposits, which are the part of Cheleken Contractual territory. Big volume of works has been carried out in this place for modernization and development of offshore oil and gas infrastructure. 7 billon US dollars have been invested in total for this purpose.

In addition, Turkmenistan has Production Sharing Agreements with Buried Hills (Cyprus), ARETI (with the headquarter in Geneva, Switzerland) on development of number of offshore blocks.

Italian Eni, which activity cover Nebitdag Contractual Territory, works in Caspian Region for many years. The main reserves of hydrocarbons in this place are concentrated at Burun Field. The investments of the company are 2.2 billion US dollars.

Fruitful cooperation has been established with Mitro International (British Virgin Islands), which together with Turkmen partners participates in development of the Eastern Cheleken Fields in the composition of Hazar Consortium.

As an example that proves the future of coastal zone of Caspian Sea, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlights the Northern Goturdepe Field, where high-productive oil layers have been discovered on the depth of more than 4,000 meters in the result of exploration works.

It is planned to build 60 survey, exploration and production wells under the investment projects carried out by the State Concern Türkmennebit with Yug-Neftegaz (Singapore). Drilling of two wells has been accomplished last spring. Industrial flow of oil has been received during the well test.

Development of four more wells located in shallow water of Caspian Sea is carried out at present time. The place of drilling has been selected after additional seismic 3D surveys held on the Northern Goturdepe Field.

International tender has been announced for project design, supply ad installation of separation, preparation and condensate collection equipment at Uzynada Field. It is worth to remind that four wells with the depth of more than 7,000 meters have been drilled and industrial flow of natural gas and oil condensate mixture have been received in this place.

Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that similar wells were drilled for the first time in the history of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan and are the deepest in Central Asia as of today.

Modern technologies of horizontal and directional drilling of wells are used successfully. Work for introduction of such innovative solution as digitization of entire oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan is carried out.

As a fact, this is use of digital technologies in the process of drilling and production of oil – surface and subsurface infrastructure of the fields is equipped with sensors and special equipment, which allows monitoring the processes of development of the fields in online mode and controlling work remotely accordingly.

The State Corporation Türkmengeologiýa will have to expand the programme of geological surveys, which are to find new deposits of oil and gas and other mineral resources. additional seismic surveys using modern equipment and software are carried out in all oil and gas bearing areas, which include famous fields where new productive layers can be explored.

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