The scale of gasification in the Dashoguz region is growing

00:15 06.04.2022 4543

 The gas workers of the gas economic enterprise of the management «Dashoguzgazupdzhunchilik» successfully cope with the tasks set in the year passing under the motto «Epoch of people with Arkadag».  In January-February, the company's employees ensured the stable operation of a unified gas system of various pressures with a length of about 550 km, as well as the coordinated work of 444 units of gas distribution and gas control equipment, thereby fulfilling the plan for this period.

 The company has a service for monitoring and troubleshooting gas equipment and networks.  Qualified specialists carry out technical control of gas metering devices and other equipment.

 It should be noted that over the past year, the employees of the service, together with the specialists of the construction and installation department for gasification of the Dashoguz region of the «Turkmengazupjunchilik» association, carried out a number of measures to increase the throughput capacity of gas pipelines and reconstruct gas facilities.

 Major repairs were carried out at the required sites, as well as work on gasification of newly erected structures.  Thanks to the effective implementation of these works, the Novruz, Suvchy, and Merkez-1 residential complexes in Dashoguz were able to use the «blue fuel» without hindrance at any time of the year.

  Also, in the Gulistan town in the region, in order to improve gas supply to the population, a medium-pressure gas pipeline with a length of 8,268 meters was re-laid.

 Currently, gas workers are diagnosing about 20 units of gas control and gas distribution equipment recently installed, as well as replacing concrete supports under gas networks.

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