President of Turkmenistan appointed the leaders of the fuel and energy complex of the country

17:11 06.04.2022 9844

 President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov during a government meeting on Tuesday signed decrees on the appointment of heads of ministries and sectoral departments of the country.  Among other things, the appointment of the heads of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan took place.

 Serdar Berdimuhamedov announced his decision to appoint Batyr Amanov as the State Minister of Turkmenistan – Chairman of the State Concern «Turkmengas».

 Having signed the relevant Decree, the head of state focused on the importance of fulfilling the plan adopted by the State Concern «Turkmengas» for the production of «blue» fuel, providing the required volume of natural gas, primarily domestic consumers of the country, uninterrupted supply of settlements with liquefied gas.

 Among the priorities, the country's entry into the world markets for hydrocarbon resources through diversification, and an increase in natural gas exports were identified.  Measures should also be taken to attract foreign investors to the gas sector, the President noted, wishing B. Amanov success in his work.

 Having appointed Guvanch Agadzhanov to the post of the Chairman of the State Concern «Turkmennebit», the head of Turkmenistan released him from the post of Deputy Chairman of this State Concern.

 Having signed the relevant document, the head of state addressed the head of the State Concern with specific instructions related to the successful implementation of the oil production plan for this year and the next two years, with the overhaul of oil wells, and the commissioning of new oil wells.

 Particular emphasis was placed on the need to keep under strict control the development of permitted reservoirs in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea through foreign investment.  Emphasizing the importance of providing refineries with crude oil in full, the President wished the Chairman of the State Concern success in his work.

 The head of Turkmenistan also said that he had decided to appoint Merdan Rozyev as the Chairman of the State Corporation «Turkmengeology».  By signing the relevant Decree, Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew the attention of the newly appointed leader to the key aspects of the forthcoming activities.  As noted, given the sufficient natural gas resources in the country, prospecting and exploration and drilling should mainly be aimed at increasing oil reserves.

 Having instructed to continue effective seismic exploration in areas rich in hydrocarbon resources, to identify and develop new oil fields, to attach particular importance to the search for scientifically based solutions to increase groundwater and solid ore reserves, as well as on other issues in this area, the President wished M. Roziev success  in the fulfillment of the assigned tasks.

 Then, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Shakhym Abdrakhmanov, expressing gratitude to the head of the state for appointing the leaders of the country's fuel and energy sector and for valuable advice, assured that every effort would be made to improve the activities of the oil and gas complex, introduce world best practices, a digital system, and increase oil production  and gas and increase the export potential of the industry.

 The appointed leaders expressed their gratitude to the President of the country for the trust and assured that they would make every effort to successfully fulfill the tasks set.

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