Macron and Johnson expressed readiness to expand cooperation with Turkmenistan

21:20 14.04.2022 3369

 French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson expressed their readiness to expand cooperation with Turkmenistan in letters addressed to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

 As Emmanuel Macron noted, in the thirty years since the establishment of diplomatic relations on March 6, 1992, Turkmenistan has established cooperation with French companies in the field of architecture and construction, space observation of the Earth, industry and technology.

 “I want to assure you of my readiness to continue and expand our partnership, including in new areas, in order to jointly solve global problems of climate, health, and security,” the letter of the President of France, published on Thursday in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper, says.

 Boris Johnson, whose letter was also published in this issue of the newspaper, expressed «confidence that in the coming years we will continue active and fruitful cooperation between our countries».

 The Prime Minister of Great Britain added that “I am very pleased that in the year that marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries, Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon – Minister at the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Commonwealth and Development of Great Britain, other officials held a bilateral effective  dialogue, discussing potential areas for further partnership”.

 Johnson also called cooperation with Turkmenistan in the field of climate change and green technologies a promising area.

 “Our cooperation on the transition of your country to “green” energy sources is also very promising.  I am confident that joint efforts to address climate change issues will identify new directions that will give impetus to mutual trade relations,” Johnson said in a letter.

 In their letters, Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson congratulated Serdar Berdimuhamedov on his victory in the presidential elections in March this year and wished him success in his work in this post for the benefit of the Turkmen people.

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