"Gundogargazakdyrysh" department: work with enthusiasm

22:46 28.04.2022 2650


 As is known, on February 11 this year, a historic meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty was held, at which the Development Program of Turkmenistan for the next 30 years was considered and approved.  The promising decisions of this forum inspired the employees of the “Gundogargazakdyrysh” department of the “Turkmengazakdyrysh” association, as well as all the production labor links of the fuel and energy complex, to achieve success and new frontiers in the Renaissance of our state.

 During the first months of the current year, which is held under the motto "Epoch of people with Arkadag", the department's specialists successfully completed the plan for supplying gas to consumers.  Settlements of the Mary and Lebap regions, as well as administrations and enterprises of the two regions are freely provided with natural gas.

 The total length of serviced high-pressure gas pipelines is more than 2,808 km.  Control gas workers carry out sequential technological control of about 77 gas distribution stations, 15 control units, thereby ensuring a stable supply of natural gas.

 Specialists and drivers of the «Gundogargazakdyrysh» automotive and tractor management service also contribute to the uninterrupted supply of "blue fuel" to consumers.  According to the plan, high-pressure gas pipelines are being consistently repaired, as well as adjustment, diagnostics and preparatory measures for the autumn-winter period.

 In addition, due to the acquisition of specialized off-road vehicles and powerful tractors, the technical base of management is regularly updated.  Recently, its arsenal has been replenished with specialized vehicles with a large payload of the KAMAZ brand.

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