President of Turkmenistan: The results of five months clearly demonstrate the dynamic development of our country

14:12 07.06.2022 2340

 As a result of the purposeful work of the government and the people in January-May, a high GDP growth rate of Turkmenistan was maintained at the level of 6.2 %.  This was stated by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at an enlarged joint meeting of the government and the State Security Council held last Saturday.

 Describing the results of the work of the branches of the national economic complex for five months, the President noted that they clearly demonstrate the dynamic development of our country, despite the difficulties in the world economy.

 The head of state emphasized that the pace of development of the economy of our country remains stable, and social programs are being successfully implemented.  Industrial facilities, residential buildings, kindergartens, schools and other facilities were built and put into operation within the established time frame.

 Serdar Berdimuhamedov also added that, in accordance with the adopted programs, the policy of diversifying energy resources to world markets is being successfully pursued.

 During the meeting, it was also reported that in January-May of this year, compared to the same period in 2021, production increased by 11.5 %, the volume of retail trade increased by 10.6 %, and the volume of foreign trade turnover increased by 41.8 %.

 During the reporting period, the revenue part of the State budget was executed at the level of 104.6 percent, and the expenditure part – at the level of 98.3 %.  80.4 % of the funds of the main financial plan of the country were directed to the development of the social sphere.

 It was also noted that compared to the five months of last year, the average monthly wage increased by 10.4 %.  Wages, pensions, state allowances and student scholarships are financed in a timely manner and in full.

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