Turkmenistan plans to achieve zero growth in greenhouse gas emissions from 2030

22:22 24.06.2022 2980


 The achievement of these goals is envisaged in the Program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in key sectors of the national economy of Turkmenistan, which will be implemented under the Paris Climate Agreement.  This was reported during the International Scientific Conference «Environmental aspects in the production of hydrocarbon resources» held on Thursday in Ashgabat.

 As noted, this document was submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat in May this year.  The program focuses on reducing emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere and now accounts for about 20% of global emissions.  Having studied its negative impact on the environment and climate, scientists have included it in the number of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, the emissions of which are controlled by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

 Our country plans to achieve these indicators both at the expense of its own financial resources and with investment and technical support from international organizations, funds and institutions.

 As noted, Turkmenistan is taking practical steps to fulfill its obligations under international treaties and conventions.  Turkmen scientists have developed measures to improve energy efficiency and energy saving in the oil and gas sector.  Measures are being taken to reduce leakages during the production, transportation, storage and processing of natural gas.  To detect and reduce the risk of these defects, automatic systems are used in low and medium pressure gas distribution networks.

 Also, the reconstruction of gas distribution networks in the gas supply system is underway, modern methods are being introduced to control the amount of pollutant emissions.  Timely repair and replacement of equipment inside field and main oil and gas pipelines is carried out.

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