Chinese National Petroleum Corporation International Turkmenistan announces tender: 17.08.2020 - 27.08.2020

14:29 26.08.2020 5257

 Tender information

  Chinese National Petroleum Corporation International Turkmenistan (CNPCIT) holds the pre-qualification selection to Tender No.CIT-20023-SR for Project Management (PMC) Services for the Western Block B Gas Fields Project in the “BAGTIYARLYK” Contract Territory for CNPCIT Lebap region, Turkmenistan.

CNPC international Turkmenistan plans to develop six major gas fields in Western Block B, i.e. the gas fields of Gadyn and Northern Gadyn, Iljik and Eastern Iljik, Kishtuwan and west Kishtuwan. The project for Western Block B gas fields consists of twenty-two (22) wellheads and associated flowlines, four (4) Gas Gathering Stations, gas trunk pipeline and gas gathering pipeline, water supply facilities, accommodation camp, updating and expansion facilities of 1st CPF and export boosting station, purified natural gas pipeline, external utility and accessory facilities. The total forecasted capacity of gas production of the six main gas fields shall be 18.15×108 m3/a.

       In order to ensure the efficient and smooth implementation of the project, CNPCIT intends to manage this project through an international PMC contractor, who is experienced in the execution of similar projects and represent CNPCIT in the Project Management of the project implementation.

      Any company who is interested in this tender can apply for tender participation by providing the following documents and information:

1.      Application for participation in Tender indicating the name and registration  number;

2.      Company brief introduction including the name of the company, the country of registration, requisites and contact numbers;

3.      Registration document of the company and Power of Attorney to the authorized representative of the company;

4.      Financial Report/Audit Report in Recent Three Years;

5.      Company Experience list for provision of similar Project Management (PMC) Services in Recent Three Years; successful project implementation confirmation;

6.      For local Companies submission of registration in Union of Entrepreneur and Industrialist of Turkmenistan.

    Deadline for submission of application during 10 days after publishing bidding information in mass media.

     Address: Room 307 (Procurement Department), CNPCIT office building, Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue No. 553/3, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

The contact person is: Ms. Narine Simonyan

Tel No.:  +993-12-445434

Fax No.: +993-12-445044


Delivery mode: by e-mail or hand delivery


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