The Sixth Caspian Summit held in Ashgabat confirmed the desire of the «Caspian five» to expand cooperation

22:07 30.06.2022 2839

 On June 29, the capital of Turkmenistan hosted the Sixth Caspian Summit, which was chaired by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.  The venue for the Ashgabat meeting of the heads of the Caspian states was the luxurious Arkadag Hotel, which provides all the conditions for receiving distinguished guests and organizing major international events.

 The high-level meeting was attended by the leaders of the Caspian «five» countries – Presidents of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Iran Ebrahim Raisi, Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

 The heads of the coastal states, in a narrow format and in an expanded composition of delegations, discussed important issues of interaction in the Caspian Sea in various fields and exchanged views on topical issues of the international and regional agenda of mutual interest.

 As a result of the meeting, the leaders of the countries of the region adopted the Communiqué of the sixth summit, which consolidates the basic principles on which the activities of the coastal states in the Caspian Sea will be carried out.  This, including: respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence, sovereign equality of states, non-use of force or threat of force, mutual respect, cooperation, non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

 The Presidents of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Russia reaffirmed the principle of using the Caspian Sea for peaceful purposes, turning it into a zone of peace, good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation.

 The Presidents also confirmed their interest in building up cooperation between the Caspian states in the energy sector and welcomed the entry into force of the Agreement on cooperation in the field of transport.

  The next, seventh Caspian summit will take place in Iran at the agreed time.

 Also on the sidelines of the sixth Caspian summit, the heads of the Caspian states held a number of bilateral negotiations aimed at developing mutually beneficial cooperation in a wide range of areas.

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