Gazprom decided to create a gas transmission system with a pressure of 150 atmospheres

22:38 02.09.2022 2513

 Gazprom has decided to create a gas transmission system with an operating pressure of 150 atmospheres (14.8 MPa).  According to Interfax on Friday, Oleg Aksyutin, deputy chairman of the board of the company, said this at the Gazprom Supplier Day during the Tatarstan Petrochemical Forum.

 The recently implemented pipeline projects of Gazprom are designed for a different pressure level: Bovanenkovo ​​– Ukhta - 120 atmospheres or 11.8 MPa, Power of Siberia – 100 atm. or 9.8 MPa.

 “We have made certain decisions related to the further development of pipeline transport. And you probably heard about the task that the country's leadership set for us, and we ourselves have determined this task for ourselves – this is the creation of a gas transmission system with a pressure of 150 atmospheres.  These are other steels, this is not only a different pipe, but this is the entire range of products that is used in the creation of a gas pipeline,» Aksyutin said.

 According to him, Severstal pipes with a diameter of 1220 mm have already been successfully tested at the Gazprom test site.

 «And we see the potential that we expect from the use of pipes with such pressure. We have already calculated that we will win in capital costs. This opens up a new direction of work related to the creation of elements of such gas pipeline systems: fittings, valves, blowers and  the entire infrastructure that allows superchargers to work reliably. This absolutely conscious choice of ours is becoming a driver for the development of Gazprom's subcontractors», the deputy chairman of the board said.

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