The Participants of the Döwlet Maslahaty Speak

21:35 30.09.2022 3472

Shohrat CHOPANOV, Acting Head of the Türkmengazakdyryş Association of the Türkmengaz State Concern: 

“It was with pride and great responsibility that I took part in the Döwlet Maslahaty, during which our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, together with the people, discussed the most important plans for the further development of our Motherland.

“All participants of the Döwlet Maslahaty enthusiastically perceived the deeply meaningful speech of Arkadagly Serdar and unanimously supported the undertakings of our esteemed President, the main goal of which is the happiness and well-being of the people and the prosperity of our independent and neutral Motherland. 

“It is important that all development plans of the country have a social orientation. I am convinced that the historic decisions on the socioeconomic development of our state will further strengthen the unity and solidarity of our people and will inspire them to reach new heights. 

“With Arkadagly Serdar, our Motherland will gain new impressive achievements!” 

Saparguly BERDIYEV, Head of the Department for Production Issues and Innovative Technologies of the Türkmennebitönumleri Main Directorate of the Türkmennebit State Concern: 

“All participants of the nationwide forum in the Ruhiyet Palace felt an extraordinary sense of belonging to a great cause, since issues related to the future of our independent Motherland were solved at the Maslahat. 

“In the speech of the head of state, great attention was paid to the development of sectors of the national economy, including the oil and gas sphere. 

“As it was emphasized, Turkmenistan was one of the states of the world that fully satisfied its needs for fuel and electricity from its own resources, a significant part of which it exported. 

“Arkadagly Serdar named specific steps taken in the fuel and energy complex. In particular, as the esteemed President noted, one of the key vectors of the energy strategy of Turkmenistan, ranking fourth in the world in terms of “blue fuel” resources, was the diversification of natural gas supplies to world markets. 

“With great enthusiasm, representatives of the oil and gas industry perceived the words of the head of state that, along with large-scale projects being implemented, it was planned to build new gas chemical complexes. 

“On behalf of all my colleagues, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the esteemed President for the great attention paid to the development of the industry and I assure that in the future we all will selflessly work in order to successfully solve the important and responsible tasks assigned to us.” 

Amangul NOBATOVA, Chief Engineer of the forwarding workshop at the Central Production Laboratory of the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation: 

“I had a happy opportunity to become a participant of the Döwlet Maslahaty on the eve of the main holiday of the Motherland, the 31st anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan. 

“With great attention, we listened to the speech of the esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in which a detailed review of the measures taken to develop all spheres of life of our state and society was given, and most importantly, goals were set and specific tasks to bring our beloved Motherland to new heights were outlined. 

“It is gratifying to realize that Arkadagly Serdar, along with the transformations in the economy, pays special attention to the preservation of moral values ​​in society and the education of young people in the spirit of fidelity to the traditions of their ancestors. 

“Responsible tasks have been set before us, and we will definitely solve them.”

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