The International Exhibition «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan – 2022» has opened in the capital of Turkmenistan

18:08 26.10.2022 6748

 This morning, the solemn opening of the International Exhibition «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan – 2022» was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan.

 President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent a welcoming address to the forum participants, in which the head of state expressed confidence that “a large-scale forum designed to familiarize the world community with the successes of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan and promote the exchange of experience with foreign partners in this area will significantly increase production, processing and diversification  supplies of energy carriers to international markets”.

 As the President emphasized in his address, “Being one of the major exporters of energy resources, Turkmenistan stands for the formation of sustainable international systems for their transportation.  The construction of gas pipelines and transport and transit corridors will become a key factor in maintaining sustainable development and stability in the region, which is clearly demonstrated by the gas artery along the Turkmenistan-China route and the transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India being laid”.

 The head of state also noted that “at present, the development of one of the world’s largest blue fuel deposits “Galkynysh”, the development of hydrocarbon deposits of the Turkmen shelf of the Caspian Sea with the attraction of foreign investment, and the petrochemical and gas chemical industries of the processing sector are being developed”.

 These important areas are clearly reflected in the opening exhibition «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan – 2022».  At the sites of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the country, key industry enterprises of the domestic fuel and energy complex deployed their expositions, demonstrating their achievements and potential for cooperation.

 Along with this, leading foreign companies, partners of Turkmenistan in the energy sector, presented their technological capabilities and business proposals.  In general, more than 50 companies demonstrate the latest developments and trends in the development of the oil and gas industry at the exhibition

 This year the exhibition has become an addition to the traditional OGT forum, which in the previous few years was held in the format of an international congress.

 The international exhibition will run for three days – until October 28 inclusive.

 Today, in the afternoon, the International Conference «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan – 2022» will begin its work.

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