Conference dedicated to the motto of 2023 was held

22:33 17.01.2023 2580

 Conference dedicated to the motto of 2023 – «Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar» was held in the Central administrative building of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan.

 The solemn event was attended by heads of organizations and enterprises of the oil and gas industry, senior officials, specialists, teachers and students of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldy Kakaev.

 Speakers at the forum were Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Shakhym Abdrakhmanov, Chairman of the State Concern «Turkmennebit» Guvanch Agadzhanov, artist of the first category of the folklore ensemble «Galkynysh» of the Cultural and Business Center of the State Concern «Turkmengas» Ovazgeldy Palvanov, head of the department of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldy Kakaev , Professor Nuryagdy Suvkhanov, Chairman of the Council of the Trade Union of Oil and Gas Workers of Turkmenistan Sapar Ataberdyev and others noted in their speeches that the proclamation of the coming 2023 «Year of happy youth with Arkadag Serdar» was a joyful historical event not only for the youth of the country, but for the entire Turkmen people,  including for employees of the oil and gas complex.

We all know that the new version of the Law of Turkmenistan “On State Youth Policy” adopted last year helped to strengthen the legal framework for youth policy in the country.  The adoption of this Law caused positive responses among the workers of the oil and gas complex, most of whom are young people tuned in to new labor victories.

 As a result of the joint efforts of close-knit labor collectives of the oil and gas industry, purposeful work is being carried out to provide the population of our country with oil and oil products, "blue fuel", and the tasks of maintaining a worthy position of Turkmen gas and oil in the world market are also successfully implemented.

 In recent years, with the active participation of the youth of the oil and gas complex, a number of important industrial enterprises of the industry have been built, existing buildings have been reconstructed, and new industrial flows of both "black gold" and "blue fuel" have been obtained.  As a result of the increase in the volume of energy resources produced by processing hydrocarbon raw materials, our country has entered the ranks of the economically developing countries of the world.

 Speeches of this kind of content formed the basis of the conference.  Song and musical performances of artists of the Cultural and Business Center of the State Concern "Turkmengas" gave special solemnity to the event.

 At the end of the conference, its participants adopted an Appeal addressed to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

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