Leaders of Turkmenistan and Russia discussed the agenda of upcoming business meetings by phone

21:51 18.01.2023 1651


 President Serdar Berdimuhamedov discussed by telephone on Tuesday with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin the agenda of the forthcoming visit of the Russian government delegation to Turkmenistan, TDH reports.

 The interlocutors paid special attention to the visit to our country of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin scheduled for January 19-20, during which high-level negotiations, the signing of a number of documents, a major business forum and numerous bilateral meetings are planned.

 In this regard, it was noted that the Russian delegation, along with representatives of the government, will include the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with which Turkmenistan has established fruitful trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties.

 The interlocutors reaffirmed the commitment of the two countries to traditional relations of friendship, good neighborliness and mutually beneficial cooperation that meets common interests.

 In this regard, it was noted that the strategic multifaceted partnership between Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation is developing along an upward vector in almost all areas.  Fruitful cooperation has been established in the political, diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres.  At the same time, it was emphasized that interstate interaction is carried out through the prism of the implementation of agreements reached at the highest level.

 At the end of the conversation, reaffirming the focus of both countries on further intensifying the comprehensive partnership, Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Vladimir Putin exchanged best wishes for each other and the peoples of Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation.

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