Turkmen-Russian business forum started in the capital of Turkmenistan

20:43 19.01.2023 6019


 On Thursday morning, the Turkmen-Russian business forum began its work at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan. A large delegation of the Russian Federation arrived to participate in it, the Orient agency reports.

 The Russian delegation includes members of the government, representatives of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly, as well as key departments, including the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Digital Development, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Construction, the Russian Export Center and the CCI.

 Also among the forum delegates are the leaders of the Astrakhan, Belgorod and Chelyabinsk regions, Dagestan, Tatarstan, St. Petersburg, as well as about 30 companies and business structures.

 The forum started simultaneously with two round table meetings of the delegations of the two countries.  One of them discusses new opportunities for cooperation in the field of industrial cooperation and construction production, the other – in the field of innovation and information technologies, digitalization of the economy.

 In the afternoon, a meeting will be held on trends and ways of interaction between the transport and logistics complex of Turkmenistan and Russia.  A separate topic on the agenda of the forum is cooperation in the field of education.

 In the evening, a plenary session of the forum will be held with the participation of Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin.

 The main topic of the upcoming meeting is the trade, economic and investment opportunities of Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation, which will also be addressed by the ministers of economy of the two countries, heads of industries, Russian regions and large companies.

 On Friday, the forum will continue its work.  Bilateral meetings between representatives of state and private structures of Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation will be held on its sidelines.

 A joint meeting of the Turkmen-Russian and Russian-Turkmen business councils, the signing of a number of bilateral documents and the opening of a trade and exhibition site for Russian manufacturers «Trading House of Russia» are also planned.

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