Branch of PJSC Tatneft announces a TENDER: 06.02.2023–17.02.2023

21:38 06.02.2023 3457

The branch of PJSC Tatneft in Turkmenistan, carrying out its activities in accordance with the terms of the Supplementary Agreement to the Contract, announces TENDER No. 2023/03 in manats:

Lot No. 1 – “rendering services for the repair and maintenance of printers and multifunctional devices”;

Lot No. 2 – “rendering services for the repair and maintenance of frequency converters (VFD)”

To participate in the tender, you are invited to the address: Branch of PJSC Tatneft in Turkmenistan 59, Block 150, T. Satylov Street, 745100, Balkanabat, Turkmenistan to do the following:

1. To submit a written application on the official letterhead of the Applicant addressed to the Director of the Branch about the desire to participate in the marketing survey, signed by an authorized person and certified by a seal, indicating the full name of the participant, its legal status, country of registration and bank details (from companies registered or having bank accounts in offshore zones, applications will not be accepted);

2. To receive terms of reference (requirements specification);

3. To submit a tender proposal in manats within 10 (ten) working days from the date of the official publication of the announcement in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper, but not later than 06:00 p.m. local time on the 10th working day.

Proposals received later than the deadline set above will not be accepted.

The provision of clarifying information on the terms of participation in the tender and the acquisition of the terms of the tender are carried out at the following address:

Branch of PJSC Tatneft in Turkmenistan 59, Block 150, T. Satylov Street, 745100, Balkanabat, Turkmenistan

phone: +993 222 6 43 66, e-mail:

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