In the top exchange trading - products of the fuel and energy sector and the textile industry

19:43 10.07.2020 3183

Representatives of business circles from Russia purchased for foreign currency polypropylene produced at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries. Businessmen from Afghanistan and Belize bought the heavy vacuum gas oil produced at the Seydi oil refinery. High density polyethylene, polypropylene and gasoline ECO-93 (SC "Turkmengas") became the subject of transactions of entrepreneurs from the Russian Federation, the United Arab Emirates and Afghanistan.Cotton yarn and colorless flat glass were also sold for foreign currency. Buying countries: Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Great Britain, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Georgia.The total amount of transactions exceeded 31 million 352 thousand US dollars.For manat funds, entrepreneurs from the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Belize, China, and Afghanistan purchased cotton yarn and hand-made carpet products totaling more than 10 million 184 thousand manat.Domestic businessmen purchased for the local market polyethylene and polypropylene produced by the SC "Turkmengas", as well as cotton fiber and cotton lint for a total of more than 139.596 million manat.

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