Eni Turkmenistan Limited announce tender: 23.03.2023 - 05.04.2023

14:26 23.03.2023 2334

Without any commitment on the part of ETL, we hereby invite companies to participate in a Preliminary Enquiry for the provision of the following types of services:

• Bathymetric Survey and Soil Characterization of Okarem Channel for Dredging Activities

Please confirm your willingness and capability to provide the aforesaid service by submitting of your reply on official letterhead within 14 days from the date of publication of this announcement. The information provided will be considered confidential and taken as a reference only.

Responses should be sent to the following addresses:

Karamat Reimbayeva at e-mail Karamat.Reimbayeva@eni.com


Aleksey Butenko at e-mail Aleksey.Butenko@eni.com

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