Branch of China National Petroleum International Corporation announces tender: 06.09.2023 – 19.09.2023

18:05 06.09.2023 3927

  China National Petroleum Corporation «International Ltd.» Turkmenistan branch is going to make the pre-qualification process to Tender №. CIT-23097-SR «Catering, cleaning and laundry services in contract territory Bagtiyarlyk» Contract Territory, Lebap region, Turkmenistan.                                                                                                              

This tender is divided into 2 lots:

Lot 1 - Catering, cleaning and laundry services in facilities of Block A, including west Block B.

Lot 2 - Catering, cleaning and laundry services in facilities of Block B, including east Block B.

          Any company, registered in Turkmenistan and who is interested in this tender can apply for participation in both lots, or only one lot, for choice of bidder. The application for tender participation shall include the following documents: 

1. Application on participation in Tender, with an indication of the Lot/ Lots.

2. Brief introduction about company with background information of main types business/work, full name of company and legal status, structure and organization. Local company registration and licensing information.

3. Experience in provision of the similar projects for the last three years. 

4. Company financial status and audited and approved financial reports for the last three years.

5. Letter confirming readiness to provide bid-bond in case of prequalification and attending the bidding process. 

      Deadline for submission of applications within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from date of publication in mass media. The prequalification documents which arrived after deadline and by e-mail will not be accepted.

       Prequalification documents of the interested companies shall be provided in sealed stamped packages with the signed cover letter. (in quantity of 2 copies and the scanned version of the document also has to be without fail enclosed). Please specify the name of the addressee, sender, number and the name of the tender on cover of package.

       Providing the information concerning the participation and provision of prequalification documents is carried out to the following address:

Address:553/3, Bitarap Turkmenistan Ave., Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Contact Person:Ms. Narine Simonyan

Tel. No.: +993-12-445434, 

Fax No.: +993-12-445044

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