An industrial influx of “blue fuel” has been obtained at new wells in gas fields of Turkmenistan

18:03 17.11.2023 4660

 Workers of the State Concern “Turkmengas” and the State Corporation “Turkmengeology” of Mary region celebrate the Day of Neutrality of Turkmenistan and the upcoming professional holiday of workers in the country’s oil and gas industry with significant labor successes.

 Thus, at well No. 29 of the Tagtabazar-I gas field, an industrial flow of gas without sulfur was obtained.  The productivity of this well is 226.4 thousand cubic meters of natural gas and more than 6 tons of gas condensate per day.

 The State Corporation Türkmengeologiýa carried out drilling work at well No. 312 of the Galkynysh gas field, resulting in an influx of natural gas.  The productivity of this well is 1.7 million cubic meters of “blue fuel” per day, and experts expect a significant increase in this figure.

 The latest labor successes of Turkmen gas workers and geologists were the result of relevant work carried out through national investments aimed at extracting additional volumes of natural gas from existing fields, as well as exploration and development of new underground hydrocarbon reserves.

 Currently, the oil and gas industry faces large-scale challenges: increasing geological exploration work to identify deposits of oil, gas and other natural resources;  carrying out geophysical research, drilling exploration wells;  development of methods for 3D modeling of field seismic complexes and software that will allow in the future to introduce 4D monitoring technology to optimize oil and gas production in developed oil and gas fields.

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