Prospects for cooperation in priority areas were discussed with the new Ambassador of Malaysia

21:16 21.11.2023 2078

 At a meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Rashid Meredov, and the new Ambassador of Malaysia to Turkmenistan, Mohd Suhaimi Bin Ahmad Tajuddin, key aspects of the bilateral partnership were discussed, according to the website of the foreign ministry of our country.

 During the meeting, diplomats discussed key aspects of the bilateral partnership and exchanged views on the prospects for further strengthening cooperation in priority areas of mutual interest, the statement said.

 Emphasizing the dynamic and long-term nature of trade and economic relations, the parties named among the current areas of cooperation the fuel and energy complex, the field of advanced technologies, and investments in high-tech sectors of the economy.

 The interlocutors highlighted the sphere of cultural and humanitarian cooperation as the most important area of bilateral interaction, focusing on the possibilities of deepening contacts in the areas of science and education, culture and art.  The parties also noted an effective partnership in the international arena, primarily within the UN.

 During the meeting, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan accepted copies of the credentials of the new Ambassador of Malaysia.  Congratulating the diplomat on his appointment to a responsible post, Rashid Meredov expressed the readiness of the Turkmen side to provide full assistance and support in fulfilling his diplomatic mission to further strengthen interstate ties.

 It is worth noting that one of the examples of successful Turkmen-Malaysian cooperation is a large project aimed at the development and development of oil and gas fields in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea.  Thus, the company Petronas Charigali (Turkmenistan) Sdn Bhd (a subsidiary of the Malaysian Petronas), under a production sharing agreement, produces hydrocarbons in the territory of offshore Block 1.  In addition, as part of the company's sponsorship program, more than a hundred Turkmen students received special education in Malaysia.

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