Turkmenistan fully supplies the domestic market with oil products and exports them abroad

10:27 23.11.2023 3862


In accordance with the “Program for the Development of the Oil and Gas Industry of Turkmenistan until 2030,” one of the main tasks outlined by the respected President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is to increase the production of oil and gas chemical products to supply the domestic market of Turkmenistan with petroleum products, as well as their export to foreign countries.

Already today, solving the problems set by Arkadagly Hero Serdar, the design capacity and processing of oil and gas condensate at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries and the Seydi oil refinery of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" make it possible to fully supply the domestic market of Turkmenistan with petroleum products, as well as export these products.

Significant investments in the modernization of plants made it possible to introduce new advanced technologies, improve the quality of products and bring the depth of oil refining to the best world practices.  The implementation of these projects gave new impetus to trade and economic relations.

Today, unleaded motor gasoline, aviation and technical kerosene, jet and diesel fuel, fuel oil, lubricating oils, polypropylene, heating oil, light gas oil, petroleum electrode coke, liquefied gas, construction and road bitumen and other petrochemical products manufactured by  at these largest oil refineries in our country.

High-quality oil and petrochemical products that meet international quality standards are exported to Russia, Uzbekistan, China, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Europe and other countries.  All this directly contributes to the expansion of trade and economic ties and an increase in trade turnover.

In general, cooperation in the oil and gas sector with the states of Central and South Asia, as well as Europe, helps strengthen the export potential of the fuel and energy complex and the entire economy of our country.

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