Polypropylene was sold to the domestic market at exchange auctions

12:28 05.12.2023 3723


At the auction of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week, 27 transactions were registered.

Representatives of the business community of Afghanistan and Ukraine purchased carbimide produced at the technological installations of the SC «Turkmenchemistry» for foreign currency.

Portland cement, terry products, cotton yarn, gray fabric, and cotton waste were also sold for foreign currency.  Buying countries: United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan.

The total amount of transactions amounted to 18 million 857 thousand 180 US dollars.

Local entrepreneurs purchased polypropylene produced by the SC «Turkmenchemistry» for the domestic market, as well as handmade carpets, terry products, bed linen, cotton yarn, raw silk, crude fatty acids, and cotton waste.  The total amount of transactions exceeded 30 million 156 thousand manats.

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