President: Turkey's export goods exhibition and business forum will contribute to the growth of trade turnover between the two countries

14:03 07.12.2023 2141

 Today, the Republic of Turkey is one of the leading trade and economic partners of Turkmenistan, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted in his welcoming address to the participants of the Exhibition of Turkish Export Goods that opened on Wednesday in Ashgabat.

 With great attention, those gathered at the Expo Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan at the opening ceremony of the exhibition listened to the welcoming address of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the participants of the show.

 “Turkish companies closely cooperate with Turkmen ones, which contributes to the successful implementation of joint projects in various sectors of the economy and the expansion of fruitful business interaction,” says the message of the President of Turkmenistan.

 “I am convinced that the exhibition and the business forum organized within its framework will play a significant role in expanding trade and economic cooperation and increasing trade turnover between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Turkey, as well as in consistently increasing contacts with Turkish companies and investors, in actively attracting capital into the national economy”, Serdar Berdimuhamedov claimed.

 The exhibition of export goods of the Republic of Turkey was organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan jointly with the Turkish company “Meridýen Uluslararası Fuarcılık”.

 A large delegation of representatives of Turkish government agencies, managers and specialists from about 100 companies and firms interested in developing cooperation with Turkmenistan arrived in Ashgabat to participate in the show.

 A significant part of the exhibitors are manufacturing companies presenting their capabilities and advanced technologies in Turkmenistan for the first time.

 “Turkey is ready to increase investments in Turkmenistan and in the future contribute to the infrastructure projects and superstructures of this country,” said the head of the Turkish delegation, Vice President of the Republic of Turkey Cevdet Yilmaz, at the opening of the forum.

 The exposition presented a wide range of high-quality products exported by Turkish manufacturers – equipment and components for industrial and agricultural sectors, building materials, household appliances and electronics, household goods, textiles and other products.

 On the same day, a regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Turkish Commission on Economic Cooperation and the Turkmen-Turkish Business Forum were also held in Ashgabat.

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